Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year!- Mr. Luzietti

So, this one time I woke up bright and early, ready to start a new day. Ready to start a new YEAR in fact! I felt so good, so rested and so ready to tackle everything that lay in front of me. I had intentionally looked ahead at my calendar the night before, prepped email responses, and even packed my lunch! easy start to the new year and a return from 12 days off. Not a care in the world. I was ready. And then I remembered that I signed up to write the first Slice of Life (insert face palm here).

So here I am, 2025 has started and I am already behind. But happily, I had no shortage of stories to reflect on from the break. None of them terribly exciting or life altering. Just time with family, time with friends, and watching Michigan beat Alabama. All worthy of celebration in their own right. I guess my small moment is THIS moment. Sitting at my desk at 7:30 on the first day back. Reflecting on the experiences that got me through the break feeling excited and recharged. This moment, realizing that I get to walk out of my office door in a few minutes to great the greatest team of educators I have ever known. This moment, ready to set goals for the next 363 days of amazing. This moment, ready to support kids and families and keep loving what I do.

So, thank you all for being a part of my Slice of Life. And a happiest of all years to each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Love your honesty here! It's not easy being the first one to start the writing going! We thank YOU for being such an inspiring, enthusiastic and supportive leader!


That’s the One! (Of course I’m writing about Raven) - Mrs. Russo

“Daisy’s pregnant!” my sister announced as we all stood in her kitchen at one of our typical family gatherings. Ben and I immediately exchan...