Monday, January 8, 2024

Mrs. Klebart: The Joys of Winter

With the arrival of the first snowfall of the season, comes the organization of everyone’s winter snow gear. This past year, I decided I would store all of our coats, snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots upstairs, far away from any chance of mice reaching them in the basement during the 8 months they go unused. My mom once told me a story of putting her boots on and finding a not-so-pleasant surprise inside.
That story really stuck with me.

This morning, as I brought the bins downstairs, and sorted the outerwear into four piles for each family member, I couldn’t help but notice my boots were missing. The only item, somehow left downstairs, not placed in any closed container or bag…were my boots. Before I could get myself to look inside them, I carried them upstairs and placed them on the floor in front of Ellie, Leo, and George. I tilted one back and sure enough…small seeds and nuts came pouring to one end. Something had made use of my boots over the past 8 months. UGH! Why me?? Of course, my kids and husband got a kick out of this. George took the boot from me, disappeared outside for a second and came back in as if everything was fine. I can’t wear those, I told him. He assured me I was being ridiculous and so I slid my foot into the boot. 

George and Leo headed outside as Ellie waited for me to put the other one on. I tilted the second boot back, the same way I did with the first. All clear. I slipped my foot in and felt something unusual against my toes. I screamed, ripped the boot off, and sure enough, one lone acorn came rolling out onto the floor. Ellie ran outside, laughing hysterically, telling George and Leo how Mom screamed and scared her over an acorn in her boot. Needless to say, I decided to suck it up, put the boots on, and go have fun with my family in the snow. 

So, the boots will live to see another day. But will I be browsing the January sales for a new pair tomorrow? Maybe…


  1. YIKES! I know the feeling! I now stuff all of mine with tissue paper!
    I highly recommend Blunnies (Blundstones)!

  2. I can relate! My ski boots were full of cat food morsels one year and was horrified to find out why. We now stuff soda cans in our ski boots when not using them haha!


That’s the One! (Of course I’m writing about Raven) - Mrs. Russo

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