Friday, January 19, 2024

Mrs. Labrecque- Dog Days of Glory

As I walked out of PD on Friday afternoon, excited for the long weekend and anticipating an additional snow day, the sun was shining and I couldn’t have been in a better mood. One of my favorite forms of self-care is walking my dog, which is exactly what I was going home to do.

Now before I tell my story, I have to share a little background. In the summer of 2020, my fiance and I decided to adopt a dog. He was adamant about adopting this dog, Chezzy, but I was more hesitant. Once I met this two-year-old, 62-pound ball of energy with puppy dog eyes, I couldn’t say no and we left with him immediately. However, we were not fully prepared for what we were getting into.

The first two years of having Chezzy, we were up at 5:00 each morning to give him a 45-minute walk before work each day. Then after work, another 75-minute walk to release his energy. Thinking this would have him tire and watch Netflix with us, we were wrong. It took another twenty minutes of fetch for him to finally settle.

Flash forward to this year, he has become stubborn in his walks. Not in the sense he wants longer, he has turned into a couch potato! Our morning walks have turned into him doing his business and then laying on the cold ground, only moving if I pick him up. He tends to do better in the afternoon where he enjoys smelling the sweet treats from whole foods and smiling at the people nearby.

So on Friday, I was expecting to do a nice walk and get my steps in. But Chezzy had a different plan. He laid down, belly side up, and protested for a solid five minutes. Cars were looking, I was anxious and he was just living his best life. Until a familiar car drove by, beeped, and smiled and Chezzy hopped right up thinking the attention was for him. So if you ever see a dog at Whole Foods, protesting his walk feel free to yell out Chezzy!

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