“Daisy’s pregnant!” my sister announced as we all stood in her kitchen at one of our typical family gatherings. Ben and I immediately exchanged an excited look. We had been wanting a puppy for so long, but our plan was to get one in the summer after the wedding!
“When is she due?” I asked.
My mind began to wander. A Christmas puppy, how special would that be? Except…we’re in the middle of wedding planning and we still live in an apartment. Would our landlord charge us more? Can we afford a puppy with the wedding expenses?
I admired Daisy’s round belly and a gut feeling won over all of my worries: Our puppy is on the way!
Later that night, Ben agreed that this had to be fate. With my sister living the town over, we’d be able to meet the puppy right away and continuously visit until it was ready to take home. We asked our landlord, and although it was an extra fee, we decided to make it work.
On December 11th, the puppies were born! My sister and nieces sent photos and we were ecstatic.
“I think we should go for a boy right?” Ben suggested.
“Yes, a grey one?” I asked.
“I was thinking that!”
Ben and I both had mainly boy dogs growing up, so I think we were just going with what we were used to.
On Christmas morning, we went over to my sister's house to watch my nieces open gifts and to meet the puppies and pick one out!
My sister went to grab a couple of puppies for us to meet. She came upstairs holding two of them, both about the size of her forearm! One had grey fur and the other had black fur with a patch of white on her chest.
“Sorry, I grabbed two girls by accident, I know you said you wanted a boy. I’ll grab a few more in a little bit!” she said.
Ben grabbed the black puppy and I held the grey one. The grey one slept peacefully in my arms, but when I looked over at Ben, I noticed his puppy squirming and stretching. Then she turned her head and slightly opened her eyes, looking up at Ben.
“Oh my goodness, she just opened her eyes for the first time!” my niece exclaimed.
“I like this one, she’s sweet and spunky!” Ben said.
“That’s the one,” I said. “You’re the first thing she has ever seen!”
“Are you sure?” My sister asked, “I can easily bring up the rest for you to meet!”
I looked at Ben and we nodded. “We’re sure.”
It was a Christmas morning we’ll never forget.
I always teach my students to derive life lessons from stories. The story of getting Raven taught me a lot. Between the decision to get a puppy at a chaotic time and the decision that Raven was the one before meeting the rest of the litter, I learned you can’t always assume things need to be done on a certain timeline and you can’t assume that you always know what you want. We thought we knew exactly when we should get a puppy and exactly what kind of puppy we wanted. Sometimes things just happen how and when they’re meant to and we need to trust life’s surprises. Stepping outside of our original plan and following our heart led us to the most beautiful bond with the sweetest and spunkiest little girl!
I know pet owners can relate to this special connection. May we all cherish our pets for choosing us!
One last thing, my husband truly believes he thought of the name Raven, but I have a list in my phone of dog names and the name Raven is on it! I distinctly remember choosing it!!!! I just felt I had to put that in writing. :-)