Thursday, January 16, 2025

Go Easy on Me- Ms. Riera

As I drove home from an especially difficult family funeral, Adele’s song “Easy On Me” came on the radio.  I had heard the song a million times before, but found that after the song was over the lyrics “go easy on me” were trapped in my brain, repeating on loop and I wasn’t sure why.  

But then like a solar plexus suckerpunch, I realized, “that’s it!” 

That’s what I need! 

That’s what we ALL need;

For life to go a little easier on us.

It is so easy to get caught up in the pressures of everyday life;

The never ending tasks and decisions we make from the moment our eyes open

Until the moment we lay our head down at night.

And even then, our brains deceive us and keep thinking of all the 

Would’ves, could’ves and what-ifs.

We can so easily talk ourselves into believing that we are not doing enough,

Not being enough, not handling things well enough.

And when faced with challenges we are told to “embrace the hard and keep going”

Despite the fact that we may not feel we have enough in the tank to do so.

But if we think about where we came from,

These tiny, perfect, miraculous bundles of precious joy

These souls just waiting to become everything they are meant to be,

Living for right now, not thinking about tomorrow or yesterday,

We see that not much has changed.

We are all still beautiful, fragile creatures in need of someone to hold space,

Emotionally and physically for us.

Just as we would not chastise an infant for crying

Or put down a toddler for taking a tumble,

We too need grace.

Our souls are still full of wonderment and adventure,

Of grandiose possibilities.

Go easy.

On others.

And most importantly, 

On yourself.


  1. Love you, Heather. What beautiful and wise words you shared. Here for you always, my friend.

  2. Beautifully written and oh so true. This past year has been so difficult for me in so many ways. If we are doing the best that we can, that is and should always be enough ❤️

  3. This is a great reminder for everyone, Heather. And, as always, it's a beautifully written piece.

  4. This is a great reminder for everyone, Heather! We remind our students daily that their best is good enough. We need to give ourselves that grace too.



That’s the One! (Of course I’m writing about Raven) - Mrs. Russo

“Daisy’s pregnant!” my sister announced as we all stood in her kitchen at one of our typical family gatherings. Ben and I immediately exchan...